Monday, 30 November 2009

Penguin Screenie

Well here's a screenshot to show you the progress so far on "The Penguin Game" (hate that name!!). Click to enlarge it.

You can see the Suicide Penguin stood at the bottom of the screen near some crates. He's only got 1 second left before he goes pop - awww!

I've been playing around with the display for quite a few days now. I hate doing interface stuff for the score etc. Anyway, you can see that everything sits on the right of the screen. This is where you can select which penguin you want to use etc, etc.

Still not 100% happy with it, but for now it's staying as it is so I can get on with other useful stuff. A lot of the graphics are still programmer art or just temporary so I expect the game to look a lot different eventually :)

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